


















“,英格拉姆的黄金瀑布碲化16“x 20“油/亚麻



Step by Step Landscape Oil Painting Demonstration
Stage 1

I feel the artist has to have a goal in mind as to what this painting you are about to start, is going to say to the viewer. What attracted me to this scene is what I want to paint and that is the back-lit morning atmosphere, the depth and the scale of the waterfalls against the grandeur of this mountain. If you go back to the photo of the scene you will notice all the buildings and automobiles on the street. I felt all this additional information would be a conflict to what I wanted to say in this painting, so I will omit these elements from the painting. I have a variety of starts to my paintings. This start is very similar to a watercolor; it has a very transparent wash with the oil paint being thinned with mineral spirits. I just block in the basic shapes in their respective color families. This is similar to drawing or sketching the composition on the canvas, here you are just applying the areas in masses.
Stage 2

This second step, I start to set-up the relationship between the different mountain layers and the sky. I start to develop the farthest mountain area and the type of light and value compared with the closer mountains that are in shadow. This was very important because I knew that it would not take long and the sun would fill this scene with more light then what I was looking for. There is also a harmony to the whole scene, it will be important to develop this harmony in the painting.
Stage 3

This step I expand more of the subtle transitions in the farthest mountain, developing some of the snow fields that lay on a shelf-like area where the stream starts. I also develop some of the subtle areas of the middle mountain as the light spills into this area. The foreground area is given some attention and I start to develop the closest mountain on the right side.
Stage 4

This stage starts to show a change in the scene. A couple of clouds started to develop and at one point the clouds shaded the closest mountain. This made the effect of the backlit atmosphere of the scene even that much more appealing. I quickly made the value shift in the mountain on the right side of the composition placing the whole thing in shadow. There is more development of the sky and the second mountain, showing a lost and found of the meandering stream and falls. I have also consciously lowered the horizontal field below the mountains. This gave the scene even that much more of a vertical feel.
Stage 5

This stage shows some of the subtle developing of the closest mountain, the tree areas and the rock wall formation above the trees. Suggestion of tree formations and different planes within the various mountains going back into the scene are also further developed.
Finished Painting

“Telluride’s Gold, Ingram Falls” 16” x 20” oil/linen
The final stage includes addressing and making sure that the harmony that I spoke of earlier has been developed. The foreground area has to be worked on. I give a little more attention to the closer elements; the trees, the road and the suggestion of other foliage. The key word that I have used in these descriptive stages is suggestion. Every painting needs a focal point to direct the viewer. If you have too many focal points (areas with the same amount of detail) there becomes a competition between these elements. The artist needs to develop the focal point and then with design and the suggestion of other elements in the scene lead the view around through the painting.






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