


我爱静物画,但是我非常糟糕的在设置的时候油漆不幸。这还是生活,我非常惊讶,原来是种乐趣。这是在我的前门入口表。灯是一直在那里,但我添加这个有趣的芝士火锅的碗,里面装满了我在我的房子里,然后放一些小型相册旁边。有趣,但我认为事实证明足够好挂在我的厨房里完成的绘画。Whalla !


I love still life painting, but I am pretty lousy at setting something up to paint unfortunately.  This still life, much to my surprise, turned out to be sort of fun.  It is on my entry table by the front door. The lamp is always there, but I added this fun fondue bowl, filled it with what I had in my house and then put some small photo albums next to it.  Funny, but I think it turned out good enough to hang the finished painting in my kitchen. Whalla!

O.K., let’s get started.  This first photo shows how I lay out my paintings.  I take a photo of what I am going to paint, then print a light black and white copy of the photo that will fit on my canvas.  This canvas was on an 8 x 10, so the one copy worked perfectly. (If you want to go bigger, just print different areas and then patch together to lay out on your canvas – easy breezy.)



Here I had taken the photo copy, then placed it on my canvas, attaching the top of it to the canvas with some masking tape (don’t use scotch tape as it will leave a residue).  Then I placed some transfer paper (use if your canvas is white.  If you have painted a color on your canvas first, you will have to use carbon paper as the transfer paper is too light to show through the paint).  This is my outline after I had taken a small brush with paint thinned with mineral spirits to make it really thin and slippery, going over the lines.  I do this so I won’t rub off the transfer paper lines while painting as they will rub off.  You will want to do this so you won’t lose your lines, as once you lift off the copy, it is impossible to get it back where you had it – you will have to either just draw them back in, or start over.  I do this technique as it is really fast.  I can draw, I know how well I draw – don’t need to prove it to anyone and I basically don’t care if people think this is “cheating”.  Really?  Who cares?  It is fast and easy and I can get right to painting my picture knowing that everything is properly proportioned. Yeah!



There is no right or wrong way to start getting the paint on the canvas.  With using Genesis, when I teach a class, I probably say more than anything in the beginning of the painting, “Our objective right now is to just get paint on the canvas.  Doesn’t have to be pretty, we just need to start building up our layers”.  This is what I am doing here, just getting paint or layers on my canvas.  The beautiful thing about Genesis is that you can build and build and it just keeps getting richer.  If you make a boo boo, you can paint over your mistake by just using a little thicker mixture, or a couple new layers.  Genesis is so forgiving – such a great medium to use that I don’t paint in anything else.




I wanted to start to get some of the background on with the table and the bottom of the mirror (can’t see, but that is a very large wood mirror above the lamp hanging on the wall… just fyi).  Photo makes my painting look like it is a little fish-eyeish… it isn’t – it is straight….. weird that it photographed that way!

I put the wall in too and started the lamp – also adding a second layer to the veggies in the bowl and you can see that they are starting to stand out a bit more.  Long way to go… Hardest part for me was getting the wood to look like wood…



In this photo, it is starting to look like the photo, (sorry I couldn’t find the photo….), but honestly this is just me getting paint on the canvas.  I am following the outlines that I had gotten on the canvas with the transfer paper and looking constantly at my reference photo to see what colors to use.  There isn’t a lot of depth yet, or highs and lows.   Tedious, but fun!  I have many students who forget to look at their reference photo and just get so involved with putting the paint on the canvas, that they forget to look at the photo that they are trying to reproduce.  A mistake.  Make sure you are constantly looking back and forth.




给你一个小提示,我总是从我的iPad油漆你唯一能想油漆一旦你试试看。我可以放大或缩小来看到我的详细的照片,所以很容易,我可以不做如果我看着一个平面照片。如果你有一个iPad,负载你的照片和尝试,很棒的。如果你油漆和没有一个……好吧,如果你有手段,我强烈推荐你买一个油漆从。# 2′年代相当便宜的这些天…我有# 1…任何人从我买了《创世纪》,是讲述了这些精彩节目在iPad上,如此有助于“看到”你的主题…颜色等…很棒的程序,只是使事情变得更容易。



Here is the finished painting of my little home made still life.  If you compare the photo with the photo above it, you can see that things in the photo now stand out.  That is done by simply putting in the highs and lows.  Many art teachers will tell you not to use black…. I never understood that, and say phooey!  I use black all the time and it makes my paintings very crisp and will make the highs next to the lows, or the blacks… stand out or come forward even more.  Lots of areas on this painting were painted with little tiny brushes…  I personally love getting into the details with the 0000 brushes even though I have to put on a jewelers magnifier hood sometimes… but I am old and blind.  Uhg…

I encourage people to paint this with the Genesis.  I send progression photos like this one to people who have bought paint from me to help them get started.  I also am in contact with them to hold their hands when they get frustrated.  All of my customers flip over the Genesis!

A little tip for you –  I always paint from my iPad which is the only way you will want to paint once you try it.  I can zoom in and out to see the details of my photo so easily, which I can’t do if I am looking at a flat photo.  If you have an iPad, load your photo and try it – awesome.  If you paint and don’t have one….. well, if you have the means, I highly recommend you get one to paint from.  #2′s are pretty cheap these days… I have a #1…  Anyone who buys the Genesis from me, is told about these wonderful programs on the iPad that are so helpful in “seeing” your subject… colors etc… awesome programs that just make things easier.

Hope you enjoyed my little progression subject.  Wish I would have taken more pictures of this subject as it progressed.  It is a wonderful way to learn and to get excited about your painting.  Take photos all through your progress of your paintings.  When you complete it and are happy, it is really fun to look back through the photos.  It is also wonderful to have when you are frustrated with a new painting.  Look at the one you like that you photographed to remind yourself that paintings take time and even the one that turned out great, looked pretty crummy in the beginning.  I have many of these progression photos on sheets in my studio to help keep me going when I get discouraged.  It really sorta snaps you out of the depression and tells you to just keep going, or to “get paint on the canvas!”.

Leslie Tribolet







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