
seascape demo, ocean in watercolors, free seascape tutorial

This is my drawing. The grey is Pebeo masking fluid and I applied it on the beach with a toothbrush, trying for a random pattern. (I got the shadow of my head in the middle, but the rest of the photos I did right...)

Okay, it seems like I did a lot, but it’s really just a first watercolor wash. Using a big brush, I did a wash of cobalt blue and burnt sienna to the sky and the water.

watercolor ocean, masking, misket, toothbrush

I used cobalt, sienna, quinacridone red and aureolin yellow on the beach, and spattered it with water while it was wet, to make the blotches. When it was completely dry, I spattered the beach again with a toothbrush and misket.

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