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Sky Area painted with No. 12 Round Brush, land areas painted with No. 6 Round Brush.
Paper Used: Bockingford Not, 140lb.
Sky 1 Sky 1

Prepare a mix of Winsor Blue and a mix of Light Red. Mix more paint than you need.

Work with the paper at a slight angle. When a watery mix is applied in a horizontal brush stroke across he width of the sky, a bead of paint will form at the bottom of the painted band. Take this up with the next stroke adding more paint to the brush if necessary. When a couple of strokes have been painted add more water to the paint to lighten the colour. Continue adding water on each horizontal stroke. When the mix is almost pure water, without washing the brush, pick up some light red and continue in horizontal strokes to the bottom. When the sky is dry, with a mix of light red and Winsor Blue, Add the silhouette townscape (The shapes can be drawn first if required). Keep the mix watery so that no hard drying lines will form and paint either from left to right or vice versa.
Sky 2 Sky 2

Prepare a mix of Ultramarine. Mix more paint than you need.
Work with the paper Horizontal.
Wet the paper from top to bottom so that the paper glistens. Start at the top and work down painting areas of sky and leaving white paper as clouds. Pick up a brush full of paint and let the paint flow out of the brush onto the paper so that it floats on the water already on the paper. With the paper horizontal, the paint will spread and soften a little but stay more or less where you put it. Gradually add more water to the Ultramarine to lighten the sky mix as it approaches the Horizon. Also, clouds get progressively smaller as they reach the horizon so leave smaller areas unpainted. As the horizon is reached add a little Light Red to the Ultramarine to slightly 'grey' the mix. The whole process must be completed quickly without any area becoming dry and without going back over painted areas. The process takes practice to lighten and modify colours and think of cloud shapes as you paint, so don't expect to do it first time. When the sky is dry paint on a simple foreground to complete.
Sky 3 Sky 3

Prepare a mix of Ultramarine a mix of Raw sienna and a mix of Light Red and ultramarine. Mix more paint than you need.
Wet the cloud area with the Raw Sienna and keep the area which is to be blue sky dry. While the cloud area is wet, drop in mixtures of Ultramarine and Light Red where the cloud shadows would form if Light was coming from top left. Vary the mix slightly by adding more Light Red or More Ultramarine until you are happy with the shapes being formed. Don't mess about in the painted area, once it's in leave it alone. Again, while the cloud area is still wet, Paint in the sky with the Ultramarine mix. Where light would hit the edge of the cloud leave a gap between the cloud and sky. In the other areas run the blue of the sky into the cloud area. This will create hard and soft edges respectively. When the sky area is dry, paint in some hills to complete. (See Landscape step by step)
Sky 4 Sky 4

Prepare a mix of Winsor Blue and a mix of Light Red. Mix more paint than you need.

Work with the paper at a slight angle. Paint the sky as in sky 1 above. Working down with Winsor Blue gradually adding more water then adding a little light red near the horizon. Then while the sky is still wet, dab out the clouds with a plug of rolled up tissue. When the tissue is dry it will lift out nearly all the paint and as it gets damp it will lift out progressively less paint so use a dry tissue plug for the top of the clouds and a damp one for the inside and bottom of the clouds. The amount of pressure applied when dabbing also affects the amount of paint which will be lifted so experiment to find the best effects. Add the hills and foreground when the sky is dry. This cloud effect works best with staining pigments as a trace of the original colour is left on the paper giving a more realistic effect.
Self Help: if you are having problems:
If hard lines are being produced in the sky area then the area is not being worked with enough water.
If the colour is not deep enough then more paint needs adding to the mix whilst still keeping it fluid.
Don't forget that the paint, when added to a wet area will be diluted and also it will always dry paler than it looks when its wet - so, if it looks right when wet, it wont be the right tone when it's dry.
If run backs are occurring then the paint in the brush is more watery than the paint on the paper.
When working wet in wet always keep the paint in the brush less watery (slightly thicker) than the paint on the paper. When the gloss goes off the paper it's too dry to apply paint to it to get the soft effects above






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