









变色龙是画与丙烯酸树脂120 x 160厘米(47 x 63英寸)画布。使用的颜色是:

  • 烧棕土
  • 镉橙
  • 绿金
  • 喹吖酮金























Character of a Chameleon

Wildlife Painting Step-by-Step Demo: Chameleon

Chameleons are such characterful creatures. Besides their enviable ability to change color to camouflage themselves (or show stress), they've also got eyes that rotate (like a shower head) independently of one another, so each eye can be looking in a different direction.

I've encountered them in gardens and in the wild, though it can be tricky to find one. (Some species are sold as pets, though About.com's Guide to Exotic Pets says chameleons don't make good pets.)

Chameleons are typically found up a tree or in a large shrub, but I decided to paint one marching along the ground, as if on a mission to somewhere. I used various reference photos for the painting, but it's an "artistic license chameleon" with unrealistic colors and composite parts, rather than a zoologically accurate painting

Blocking in the Initial Colors and Shapes

Wildlife Painting Step-by-Step Demo: Chameleon

I started with a minimal pencil sketch for the outline of the chameleon. The base of the body of the chameleon rests more or less on where the third line would be according to the Composition Rule of Thirds. I then blocked in the initial colors of the three distinct areas of the painting: the chameleon, the surface it's walking on, and the background.

Notice how even at this early stage I'm putting down the paint in the background in the direction I want for the background in the final painting, and differentiating it from the surface the chameleon is walking on. It can be difficult at a later stage in a painting to hide or cover up brush marks that go the "wrong way" without totally painting over an area with a very opaque color.

The chameleon was painted with acrylics on a 120 x 160 cm (47 x 63 inch) canvas. The colors used were:

    Burnt umber
    Cadmium orange
    Green gold
    Quinacridone gold

Keeping the Painting in My Mind's Eye

Wildlife Painting Step-by-Step Demo: Chameleon

If you compare this photo to the previous one, you'll see some definition has been given to the chameleon by adding some darker tones to parts of the body and that the surface the chameleon is standing on has blended into the background. Now it appears to be floating in the air.

I know in my mind that this is merely a short step in the painting and where it's going. But if I were to stop painting at this point for an extended period, say overnight, it may well be tricky to get back into the painting because I've lost the vision in my mind's eye. It's crucial to select the right point at which to interrupt the painting process so that it's easy to restart.

The Ugly Stage

Wildlife Painting Step-by-Step Demo: Chameleon

My paintings often go through what I call The Ugly Stage. It's where I've put down color in a harsh or unsubtle way in preparation for what's going to come next. It's a stage at which I never listen to comments about a painting because I know it's still very much a work-in-progress and I know what I intend to do.

In this instance, the bands of dark are going to be painted over so they're gentle shadows. Only the shadow on the eye is gentle enough. I know the chameleon is floating; I know the mouth is over-simplified; I know it looks like its got five legs. I'm just waiting for the paint to dry and then I'll get onto it...

Constructive comments on a painting can be very helpful, but you need to ensure that they're being made at an appropriate stage in a painting's development. And always remember that it's your painting, you're free to take or leave everyone else's opinion on it.

Adding Color to the Background

The painting was looking a bit too monochromatic, so I decided to introduce another color into the background.

Why green? Well, partly because it introduced a bit of 'natural' color appropriate to the subject, but mostly because, being an analogous color (adjacent on the color wheel), it works well with the yellows and oranges.

Adding Green to the Chameleon Body

Wildlife Painting Step-by-Step Demo: Chameleon

This photo shows how the green has been extended across the background, and blended in (see previous photo). More importantly, it also shows how green has been added to the chameleon itself in a few places. This helps tie the background and subject together, unifying the elements in the painting.

If the elements of a painting aren't sitting together comfortably, it's worth checking whether you've used the colors in your palette across the whole painting, or in various separate areas. If it's the latter, sometimes painting a glaze across the whole painting (using a color that's in the painting) helps.

Finishing with a Palette Knife

Wildlife Painting Step-by-Step Demo: Chameleon

Between the previous photo and this, I refined the position of the chameleon's legs and how the tail joined the body, and made it appear to be walking on a flat surface. This was all done working with a brush.

Once the background was also completed, I used a painting knife to add and refine detail on the chameleon's body, legs, and tail (see detail photo). The angular marks made by the knife create a sense of scales on the body that would be much harder to paint with a brush.

Now I just need to paint a small painting of a fly to hang next to this one, as the prey the chameleon's heading for with such determination.






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