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Figure Painting Step by Step:

This figure painting was done partly from my imagination and partly using a photograph from a book on anatomy for artists for reference. It’s done in acrylics on canvas using Prussian blue, Payne’s grey, cadmium red, and cadmium yellow. Only one brush was used: a large, flat, two-inch brush. I was going to build up the figure using thin glazes, so the acrylic paint was mixed until it was very fluid with half water and half glazing medium (to ensure that the paint would never be so dilute it wouldn’t adhere properly to the canvas).

Building up color using transparent glazes gives quite a different effect than using thickish opaque paint. This is because each new glaze or layer is influenced by what’s gone before. It’s important when glazing to ensure that a glaze is totally dry before adding the next, otherwise the colors mix on the canvas and you get a muddy result.

I first very roughly worked out and marked on the canvas where the figure would fit with a pencil. Then, using Payne’s Grey, put in the outline of the figure and the shadow on the underneath of the leg as well as using it to block in the hair. The background was done with Prussian blue, plus the shadow under the arm and on the stomach.

You’ll see in the photos of this step by step that this basic form didn’t change much as I added the various color washes. This was because I was more interested in capturing a mood than getting the figure absolutely accurate.

Figure Painting: Blues Step 2 Adding a Red Wash

Figure Painting Step by Step:

Once what I’d done in Step 1 had completely dried, I added a glaze of cadmium red. Even though I was working with acrylics which dry quickly, because I tend to be a bit impatient I used a hair drier to speed up the process. Another option would’ve been to work on two canvases at once, alternating between them to allow drying time.

You’ll see that there are various ‘tear streaks’ in the painting, or places where the paint has run down. This comes from using a very thin glaze, loading a lot onto the brush and then pressing down with the brush on the canvas so a lot of paint comes off the brush in a small area. The watery paint then runs down the canvas, which was vertical on the easel.

I had decided when I started the painting that I would leave the ‘streaks’ when they occurred, rather than ‘tidying them up’, as I think it adds vibrancy to a loose, Expressionist painting (though some people hate it). And in the last stages of the painting I deliberately overloaded the painting with Prussian blue to get lots of this as I think it adds to the overall mood of the painting. I also used the hair dryer to blow some of the droplets of paint that accumulated down the canvas.

Figure Painting: Blues Step 3 Brightening the Color

Figure Painting Step by Step:

In this step, I added a glaze of yellow. Take a look at how it’s influenced by the layers underneath it. Compare, for instance, the top and ‘middle’ of the thigh. It’s not that I added a thicker yellow here, or more than one layer of yellow. It’s the colour underneath the yellow influencing it.

Figure Painting: Blues Step 4 Adding More Red

Figure Painting Step by Step:

I decided I really didn’t like the yellow dominating the figure so much, so added layer of red. Before this had dried, I ‘diluted’ it in some areas (such as under the arm) by squeezing some clean water out of the brush at the top of the area. This ran down the canvas, picking up the red with it, creating the streaks with the strongly colored edges to them.

At this stage, I think the best part of the painting are the legs and feet. The head and hand are overworked; the bottom a bit ‘generous’ the shoulders/neck an odd shape. But the aim of this painting was not accurate proportion, it was to play with glazes and to try and convey a deep, thoughtful mood. (Why the figure doesn’t have clothes on is something an art critic could no doubt read significance into… but there was no intention for there to be, at least on a conscious level.)

Figure Painting: Blues Step 5 Darkening the Colour

Figure Painting Step by Step:

In these final three steps, you can see how the painting changes as I add more and more glazes of Prussian blue, both on the figure and the background. The blue colour darkens the painting and turns the red into a purple. It also turns it into a painting with an overall cool feeling, as opposed to how warm it felt in the previous step.

Figure Painting: Blues Step 6 Enhancing the Mood

Figure Painting Step by Step:

To me the increasing number of ‘tear streaks’ of paint add to the feeling that the figure is depressed, or feeling blue, as we say. I added quite a few glazes of blue, ensuring each was dry before applying the next.

Figure Painting: Blues Step 7 The Finished Painting

Figure Painting Step by Step:

Overall I was pleased with the feeling I think this painting conveys. Even though there are things about it I don’t like, such as the overworked areas and some shadows that are wrong. Next time I know to work out the shadows more carefully in a preliminary drawing. And to white out and try to start again on any areas that are overworked, because doing so can’t make it any worse than it already is. They’re not working anyway.

The evening I finished this, a friend came to visit and saw it on my easel. His first words were: “Why did you muck it up? Wasn’t it working?” My initial response was to be defensive, then I laughed thinking it just proves that what you like in art is very subjective. One person’s “masterpiece” is another’s idea of a nightmare.






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