
练习使用取景器——选择你的主题,  三种方法在户外可以找到你的主题

      最难的部分画户外位置缩小成更小更易于管理的巨大的全景视图,可以勾勒出或画很快。所有这三个素描和油画所研制的位置在锡安国家公园的一部分,”托马斯·莫兰的脚步”练习空气邀请赛。 水彩画技巧由罗兰・李

      1。锡安国家公园提出了一些壮观的景色在每个转折点。当我把学生他们不可避免地挣扎在“开始”。我经常鼓励他们使用他们的相机取景器来缩小选项。在这种情况下我选择了一个有趣的岩层之上Sinawava寺和做了一个快速的铅笔在我的旅行写生簿研究。在进行了草图,我可以继续学习,或者使用快速水彩绘画回到工作室更大的画之后。不管怎样我花了我的时间明智。   水彩画技巧由罗兰・李





Plein Air Painting - Using a viewfinder to select your subject
Three ways to find your subject outdoors in nature

The hardest part of painting outdoors on location is narrowing down the giant panorama into smaller more manageable views which can be sketched or painted quickly. All three of these sketches and paintings were done on location in Zion National Park as part of the "In the Footsteps of Thomas Moran" Plein Air Invitational Competition.
1. Zion National Park presents some spectacular scenery at every turn. When I take students there they inevitably struggle with "where to start". I often encourage them to use their camera viewfinder to narrow down the options. In this case I chose an intriguing rock formation above Temple of Sinawava and did a quick pencil study in my travel sketchbook. After making the sketch, I can either continue with a quick watercolor study, or use my drawing back in the studio for a larger painting later. Either way I've spent my time wisely.

2. Instead of looking for the big picture, I looked a little closer at the rock formations above me and found an interesting pattern of light and shadow on the rock face. I framed the small scene and did a location study on the spot in watercolor. Remember, there are many wonderful views if we take a more intimate look at our surroundings.

3. Instead of worrying about the foreground, with all its interesting fallen logs and shrubs, I raised my view to the place where the afternoon shadow started to crawl across the cliffs of Heaps Canyon in Zion. By leaving out the foreground I could move the viewer quickly to my center of interest. This was painted on location as part of the "In the Footsteps of Thomas Moran" plein air invitational competition in Zion National Park.






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